Fright Fest!

Oct. 22

Well this Saturday was all about going to Six Flags Fright Fest!
And apparently that's what this weekend was all about for the entire state of Illinois!!! The park was packed with people.... I don't think I've ever seen that many people at the park at once, that's including the summer... but I'm happy to say it was still lots of fun... I got to go with my sister and two cousins... we spent most of our time checking out the stage shows (there was a pretty good hypnosis show) and looking to get scared by zombies. We enjoyed haunted houses and mazes... all in all it was a good day.

Lust -- "Whore!"

Zombie Grave Digger

Visiting the happy zombie couple

Me and my cousin checking out an alien

yes... that is a port-a-potty w/stuff spraying out...
you don't want to think about it too hard...

Part of the Parade


Cool looking freaks

hope you all enjoyed a little bit of day....


One Response to “Fright Fest!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey! I am that zombie grave digger! Imagine that! Need proof? Check out my website at

    Don't worry, it's work safe... usually.

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