Dillo Day 2010

May. 28

As the end of the school year comes to a close the NU student body is gettin' ready to "party like a state school".

Its that time of year again, Dillo Day:

"Armadillo Day began in 1972 when Northwestern students from Texas held a small celebration in honor of the armadillo. More than 25 years later, "Dillo Day" is the culmination of Mayfest with an all-day Saturday event on the lakefront featuring national and locally known bands, games and vendors. Dillo Day is one of the strongest traditions of the Northwestern community."
-NU Mayfest Website

During my years at NU we've had headliners such as N.E.R.D., The Decemberists, The Roots and Lupe Fiasco, among others.

This years lineup:

I'm pretty excited about it this year cause it will be my last and I like the headliners!  I'm really excited about Regina Spektor especially.  I've been a fan of hers for a while and never had the opportunity to see her live.

Guster coming to NU is pretty exciting as well, I've heard their stuff over time and I like it, so it should be fun

Lastly Dillo Day will be taking us on a trip down memory lane with our final Headliner Nelly...
Now, Nelly hasn't exactly been relevant since I was a freshman... in high school (that was a really long time ago) but most people on campus are really excited... I think it's that nostalgia that's going around these days, its everywhere... people are just yearning on simpler times.
Personally I was never into Nelly or many other forms of Rap and Hip-Hop but even I can't deny that it totally brings back some hilarious memories.


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