Takin' a break...

Apr. 16

So... um... last quarter of school didn't go as well as I wanted it too... I really thought I knew what I was doing... apparently not... so I talked to some advisers and deans and we all agreed that I had to re-evaluate whether I want to be in engineering or not... and to be honest... I totally saw this coming... so now... I'm almost pretty sure that I do not want to doing engineering anymore... and my reasoning behind this is cause even though I was struggling just as much as my classmates and friends they all actually seemed to be at least a little bit interested in what we were supposed to be learning and they all looked forward to working in the industry... and I dreaded it... I was not interested in the material and was so not looking forward to getting a job in engineering... so now what?

well... I think the whole reason I got into BME was because I wanted to go to med. school to be a pediatrician cause I wanted to work/help kids. Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way... there are other careers in which I could help kids and enjoy... so now I pretty much just have to figure out what the hell that is!! I'm taking a quarter off from school so I can clear my mind and be selfish and figure out what the hell I want, though I will be taking classes at the community college... to show the school that I'm not just being lazy...

Wish me luck... damn this is gonna be tough...

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